In this deep and hard hitting poem, activist Jeffrey Kass gives us powerful pause to think about how society has treated its Black and Brown citizens. This is a must read. Breathe as you digest.
Sending In The Federal Troops: Solution or Accelerant For More Violence? At one point, the U.S. contemplated sending in federal troops to stop violence in our most dangerous cities. South side of Chicago one of them. But what policymakers don’t understand is that our problems with crime will never be solved with more military style weapons and more police. It’s time to think long term. Mass investment in education, in training and other programs that uplift instead of jail people is our only path forward.
With competing policy proposals on what, if anything, to do with the state of police in this country, this essay explores ideas on police reform that are badly needed if we are to prevent our communities from further decay and prevent even more racial division and strife. There’s a of talk about defund the police, abolish the police and the like. Most people know we need police to protect and to serve but we don’t need them to harm, kill and harass. Addressing how Black and Brown men and women have been repeatedly mistreated at the hands of law enforcement is long overdue.
“Justice will not be served until those unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” -Ben Franklin
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October 2024