Stop using King’s words to support oppressive systems It has become all too commonplace for politicians to invoke Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. all while still refusing to embark on any meaningful change when it comes to race. Every MLK Day, the echos of "judge everyone by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin" is heard. But Dr. King wasn't just a person with a dream. He was a revolutionary advocating for the unraveling of systemic racism. This piece breaks down Dr. King's real vision and strategy beyond just a few nice quotes that fit on t-shirts.
We won’t achieve true justice for anyone until Jews are included in social justice There’s this bizarre bias, especially among the social justice left, that Jews live in their own post-racial world. Where their ethnicity and identity aren’t worth our protective efforts. Where the Jewish experience is no different than the white experience.
Forget that white Jews are just 70 years from their slaughter where they weren't white enough or that they endure more hate crimes than any other religious group despite being only 2% of the U.S. population. Half of the world's Jews and 60-65% of Israeli Jews aren't white anyway. They are Jews of color. This essay explores Jewish identity and why it's time to literally stop whitewashing Jewish identity. A reflective commentary poem Wearing a mask
Quarantining in your home for 14 days Having a post removed on Facebook Someone from the other party winning an election Getting blocked by a follower on Instagram Eating meat Vaccine Passports Abortion Background checks at gun shows Taking a COVID test before entering an event High gas prices Obamacare Critical Race Theory The Insurrection at the Capitol Deporting people who enter the U.S. illegally Texas’ new abortion law Magazine clip restrictions Anything that’s not the Holocaust Why everyone's so scared A primary tenet of critical race theory is the oft-ignored reality that racism is ordinary and normative. It’s not a few nut cases. It’s not aberrational. It’s not individualized. It’s you. It’s me. It’s our systems. It’s part and parcel of society. Racism, according to CRT, is deeply part of our American psyche, affecting all of us. The result, which is why so many are in uproar, is that every person would not only need to critically examine the country we were taught was the champion of freedom. But that we must look inside ourselves. At our biases. Our attitudes. Our behaviors. This essay explores CRT in an intellectually honest manner and outside of the extremes and distractions. DESPITE THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF ANTI-JEWISH HATE, UNIVERSITIES OMIT JEWS AND ANTI-SEMITISM FROM VIRTUALLY EVERY ETHNIC STUDIES PROGRAM IN THE COUNTRY Most people view Jews as a privileged group. Not needing of any defending. Or including in social justice circles. But the truth is, anti-Semitism remains one of the world’s top vehicles of hate and the main driver, along with hatred of Black people, of white supremacists. Race activist Jeffrey Kass advocates for including Jews in social justice efforts and to raise more voices against the oldest and still growing disease. Anti-Semitism.
DID YOU HEAR THE ONE ABOUT BILL GATES, FAUCI, THE ROTHSCHILDS, AND THE MARTIAN? Society has become obsessed with conspiracy theories and blame games. Intelligent well-meaning people are even spreading bizarre theories. When COVID hit, it was 5G and intentional virus spreading. Then it was Bill Gates controlling the world population through dangerous vaccines. The theories spread so fast, you can’t keep up with them. But the effect of all these Y2K type theories of the day is that we ignore what really ails this country, especially when it comes to race. Author Jeffrey Kass calls it a convenient way to avoid confronting racism. This essay explore this issue in more depth.
NOW TIME TO GET RADICAL ON RACE People involved in fighting for racial justice are dancing in the street after the defeat of Donald Trump. Indeed, there was much to be concerned about under his presidency. The election is over now, and author Jeffrey Kass in this essay reminds us that racism didn’t start in the last four years and we can’t let our guard down just because Biden-Harris won. Kass gives real solutions to tackling are centuries old issues,
This essay comes just after the death of Supreme Court and social justice giant Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The abortion debate is often the first thing one thinks of when we talk about the Supreme Court. Author Jeffrey Kass uses this backdrop to help us reflect on what the sanctity of life must truly mean for all living, walking, breathing people. That we can’t simply focus on an unborn baby and then ignore the quality of a person’s life after birth. Justice Ginsburg spent her life fighting for equality for women and it’s a great example for us to recalibrate our energy.
HOW THE TERMS WE USE IMPACT THE PACE OF CHANGE Social justice warriors may be well-intended but sometimes the words chosen to advance the cause of justice end up having opposite consequences.
This essay explores why words matter. When we call something genocide or apartheid, what does that mean? When we use words like diversity and inclusion, what does that mean? Our word choices impact how fast we will heal so many of our world’s problems. Enough of the Rothschilds Already: What Did Hollywood Personality Nick Cannon Say That Was So Bad?7/26/2020 Conspiracy theories have always been around, but they seem to have increased each year since the Internet. The Jews did it, or the Jews are controlling the world ones seem to have spread like wildfire. Jeffrey Kass uses the backdrop of these absurd theories to remind people that the negative acts of individuals, from any ethnic or ethno-religious group, shouldn’t be used as a reflection of the whole. Enough of the Jewish Rothschild Family already.
The case for reparations for slavery has been discussed and re-discussed for generations. But it’s usually pro-reparations with vague details versus anti-reparations with no recognition of the havoc America caused to so many families. This essay by race expert Jeffrey Kass discusses tangible ideas for administering a reparations program aimed at actually repairing rather than just compensating.
Virtually every group seems to be quick to harshly criticize other groups and slow to criticize their own. When Black folks give the likes of Farrakhan and Jesse a free pass, it wasn’t because of their anti-Semitism, it was because they stood up for Black folks.
When Jews defend Israel and Netanyahu at all costs, it isn’t because Israel, like every country, does things that are wrong. It’s because the world has always gone after the Jews and Israel is the one place that defends Jews. Still, this essay is a call for a reexamination of what Author Jeffrey Kass calls “ethnic narccisism.” Democrats and Racism Social justice warriors have been conditioned to blame every race related issue on Republicans and the right wing. The Democrats have enjoyed unwavering support from the Black community and its allies for half a century or more. This essay explores that while many on the right have indeed made our race problems worse, we ought not to ignore the failed solutions and racism on the left. We need solutions to systemic racism above party loyalty.
With competing policy proposals on what, if anything, to do with the state of police in this country, this essay explores ideas on police reform that are badly needed if we are to prevent our communities from further decay and prevent even more racial division and strife. There’s a of talk about defund the police, abolish the police and the like. Most people know we need police to protect and to serve but we don’t need them to harm, kill and harass. Addressing how Black and Brown men and women have been repeatedly mistreated at the hands of law enforcement is long overdue.
The town hall aired on Wednesday, June 3 on 9Listens. You can watch it again on the video player attached to this story.
Author: Allison Sylte
Published: 6:59 PM MDT June 2, 2020 Updated: 8:41 PM MDT June 3, 2020 DENVER — The “9LISTENS: Racism and the Road to Change” town hall brought together multiple different voices who discussed race in Colorado, the death of George Floyd and where we go from here. Those voices ranged from Elisabeth Epps of the Colorado Freedom Fund, who has marched alongside protesters in downtown Denver, to Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen, who heads an institution many demonstrated against and Jeffrey Kass, a thought-Leader On Race, Society, and Culture as well as an Award-Winning Author. |
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